
Soft and Savory Jadah Recipe

Soft and Savory Jadah Recipe

Soft and Savory Jadah Recipe

Soft and Savory Jadah Recipe. Jadah is a cake made from white sticky rice mixed with grated coconut and salt. The savory taste and smooth texture make Jadah much loved by traditional people. Jadah is also known as Tetel or Uli Sticky Rice.

For those who want to make Jadah sticky rice, you can follow the following recipe for making Jadah sticky rice.

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Soft and Savory Jadah Recipe

Jadah Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of white sticky rice
  • 600 ml coconut milk
  • 2 pandan leaves 
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • grated half-old coconut

How to Make Jadah:

Soft and Savory Jadah Recipe

  1. First, cook sticky rice, coconut milk, salt, and pandan leaves until the water shrinks. Then lift.
  2. Next, mix the grated coconut with the sticky rice and mix well. Then steam for about 40 minutes or until cooked.
  3. Once cooked, remove the sticky rice and mash gently while still hot until sticky and smooth.
  4. Then, flatten it on the baking sheet and wait until it cools down.
  5. After cooling, cut according to taste, and Jadah is ready to serve.

That's the Soft and Savory Jadah Recipe that I can share. Hope it can inspire you. Please try it at home. Stay tuned for more easy and delicious recipes. Thank you. Archipelago Recipes.
