
Onde-Onde Recipe, How To Make Onde-Onde

Onde-Onde Recipe

Onde-Onde Recipe, How To Make Onde-Onde

Onde-Onde Recipe, How To Make Onde-Onde. Onde-Onde is a food made from glutinous rice flour, usually filled with green beans inside. The shape is round with a sprinkling of sesame on the outer skin. It's savory on the outside and sweet on the inside. The texture is soft and suitable to accompany relaxation with family. Nowadays, many Onde-Onde has created creations with the addition of natural dyes or by changing the filling in them, making them more attractive.

For those of you who want to make Onde-Onde at home, you must follow the steps in the following Onde-Onde recipe.

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Onde-Onde Recipe

Ingredients for Onde-Onde

Onde-Onde Skin Ingredients:

  • 1 kg glutinous rice flour
  • 250 grams sugar
  • 500 ml thick coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Onde-Onde Filling Ingredients:

  • 1 kg peeled green beans
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilli

How to make Onde-Onde:

Onde-Onde Recipe, How To Make Onde-Onde

For Onde-Onde skin: 
  1. Combine glutinous rice with salt and sugar, then stir until smooth. Next, add the coconut milk little by little until it becomes round.
For Onde-Onde Filling: 
  1. Soak the green beans for 2 hours, then drain. After that steam for about 1 hour until the green beans are tender. Remove and puree.
  2. Next, mix the ground green beans with sugar, vanilla, and salt. Then roast briefly so that it is easy to form a round.
For Onde-Onde: 
  1. Prepare the skin dough then flatten it, add the filling in the middle then cover it with the skin. Round by hand, then roll in sesame until smooth. Repeat until the dough runs out.
  2. Then fry Onde-Onde in oil on medium heat. Once cooked brown, then remove and drain.
  3. Done. Onde-Onde is ready to be served.

Thus an Onde-Onde Recipe, How To Make Onde-Onde that I can share. Hope it can inspire you. Please try it at home. Stay tuned for more easy and delicious recipes. Thank you. Archipelago Recipes.

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