
Banana Molen Recipe

Banana Molen Recipe

Banana Molen Recipe
Banana Molen Recipe. Banana Molen is a cake made of flour filled with bananas inside. The taste is sweet and the texture is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. There are banana Molen that are made in large and small sizes depending on individual tastes. Banana Molen is used as a snack when relaxing with family or usually served during celebrations.

For those of you who want to make crunchy Banana Molen at home, then follow the steps from the following recipe.

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Crunchy Banana Molen Recipe

Ingredients for Banana Molen:

  • 270 grams of flour
  • 30 grams of cornstarch
  • 60 grams of margarine
  • 1 tablespoon milk powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 120 ml of water
  • Salt to taste
  • Bananas to taste (thinly sliced ​​obliquely)

How to make Banana Molen:

Banana Molen Recipe

  1. First, mix flour, milk powder, vanilla, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Stir well and set aside.
  2. Next, heat the margarine and oil until the margarine is melted. Then pour it into the dough while it's still hot. Then stir until smooth.
  3. After that, pour in the water little by little so that the dough is not too mushy. Then knead until the dough is smooth.
  4. Next, if the dough is no longer sticky in the container and your hands then there is enough water, then cover the dough with plastic and rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Then take the dough to taste, and roll it thin with a rolling pin. Cut lengthwise 2-3 cm wide, then roll on banana slices. Repeat until the dough runs out.
  6. After that, fry in hot oil over low heat until golden brown.
  7. Done, the crunchy and soft Banana Molen is ready to be served and enjoyed. Good luck trying the recipe.

Thus a Banana Molen recipe that I can share. Hope it can inspire you. Please try it at home. Stay tuned for more easy and delicious recipes. Thank you. Archipelago Recipes.

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