
Getuk Pisang Recipe

Getuk Pisang Recipe

Getuk Pisang  Recipe

Getuk Pisang Recipe. Gethuk Pisang is a processed banana that is mashed and steamed wrapped in banana leaves. The bananas used to make Getuk are Raja Nangka bananas which have a distinctive and delicious taste. Getuk Pisang is a typical Indonesian dish, especially in the Kediri area, East Java. Getuk Pisang has several sizes ranging from small to large.

For those of you who want to make Getuk Pisang, then you must follow the recipe for making Getuk Pisang below.

Read also: Banana Bread Recipe

Getuk Pisang  Recipe

Ingredients for Getuk Pisang:

  • 5 combs Raja Nangka bananas
  • 425 grams of sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • Banana leaves to taste

How to make Getuk Pisang:

Getuk Pisang  Recipe

  1. First, steam the bananas until cooked for about 5 hours, then remove and peel.
  2. Next, gently mash the bananas until smooth.
  3. After that, add the sugar and salt, then stir until smooth.
  4. Next, wrap the dough with banana leaves like rice cake, then pin both ends with a stick.
  5. Then, steam again for 30 minutes, remove and cool, then change the wrapping. 
  6. Finally, Getuk Pisang is ready to be served.

Thus a Getuk Pisang recipe that I can share. Hope it can inspire you. Please try it at home. Stay tuned for more easy and delicious recipes. Thank you. Archipelago Recipes.

Read also: Banana Molen Recipe
